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FS Roll Call '22: Rae Mackmore

Which decade do you actually belong in, and do you agree? (According to this Buzzfeed quiz)

1920s…I do! I have always been told I was an old soul. The roaring 20's was also the time the Harlem Renaissance emerged to the forefront to redefined arts and culture.

What part of the country are you originally from?

Woodbridge, VA

What is your least favorite snack food and why?

Red apples something about the skin on them makes my gums feel strange

Marty McFly and Doc Brown have just pulled up in their DeLorean. They tell you that the future is a mess, but in order to make things right, you have to go back in time and prevent ONE SONG from being made. What song would it be and why?

I could live without "Friday" by Rebecca Black. I remember this song taking my middle school by storm and I just found it annoying and repetitive.

What were you like in middle/high school?

I was a very quiet kid, I was in the yearbook club, and played volleyball. During this time I did a lot of growing. I also had a very small group of friends and we all made high school fun and bearable for one another!

Bell Bottoms or Baggy Jeans?

but why tho

Our National Day of Social Action theme for 2022 is Climate Justice. What do you think justice for our environment looks like?

Climate change is not evenly distributed but rather it is the poorest countries whose economies are dependent on agriculture, that are the most affected despite having contributed least to climate change. We should be providing short- and long-term climate finance to help those more vulnerable countries adapt to climate impacts, as well learning how to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, and adapting to the changes we have brought about in the climate so we can prevent further damage.

Complete this phrase: "The future is..."

“unknown and beautiful”

Since beginning in 2019, our Freedom School journey has discussed issues like gun violence, voting rights, youth justice/incarceration and more. What is one social justice/action issue that you are passionate about? Why?

I am very passionate about women's rights and the threat that has been placed on them. With the recent talk of overturning Roe V. Wade decision, I am not only scared for my future but as well as the future of the next generations.

What makes you excited about returning or joining the team this year?

I am so very excited to meet the scholars. One of my favorite words is sonder which means that each person lives a life just as unique and complex as your own. While I am very excited to work with the other service intern leaders and other members of the freedom school, I truly can not wait to meet the scholars and learn about their lives and be able to watch them learn how to express themselves through different forms of art and literature