The Listening, Inc.

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Liberty and Justice(?)

Graphic created by Ben Sebrell

I’m embarrassed at how long it took me to write this. It’s been over a month now. I was challenged to write a piece about a photo of convicted violent rapist, Brock Turner, that I edited and posted on my favorite social media profiles to be forever immortalized on the internet. I figured it would be simple. I had strong feelings about the gross failing of the “just us” system that left Turner with a measly 3-month jail sentence. I remember reading up on the case. Especially the victim’s testimony. Just thinking and writing about it now leaves a bad taste in my mouth. May God grant her the strength, grace, healing, and peace she needs. Amen. But if I’m honest, I need healing as well.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I will never be able to understand or comprehend what that young lady went through. When I say that I need healing as well, this is what I mean:

There was a real part of me that wanted to hate Brock Turner. I was tired. Tired of seeing injustices like the atrocious crime he committed go practically unchecked and unpunished. I kept thinking about what if he had done something like that to a friend or family member. I’ve known victims of rape and violent sexual abuse. Reading about what Brock Turner did made my blood run hot with rage while simultaneously causing my heart to grow cold with malice.

Yeah...I wanted to hate him.

I wanted him to suffer is some way, shape, or form that would make him feel what his victim felt. I remember telling myself “people like him deserve hell”, and almost immediately after that thought formed in my mind, a still, small voice responded...

“So do you”.

I’m talking about God speaking, y’all.

See, the truth is, Benjamin Sebrell DOES deserve hell, and apart from the shed blood of Christ, that’s exactly where I’d go when I die. “But God commendeth his love toward us…”--toward ME that while I was yet a sinner, Christ died for me. All at once, the Gospel message began to echo through my heart and mind. Conviction set in heavy. Christ has nothing to gain by loving me, yet He does-- unconditionally, He does. Where would I be if He only loved people that deserved it, or people like Himself?

We’ve all heard the phrase “hate the sin, love the sinner”. I can’t think of a time in my life when that phrase weighed so much. As much as I wanted to hate Brock Turner, the God in me wouldn’t allow it.

I hate what he DID, but I can’t hate Brock.

Nothing he’s done makes him unqualified for the grace and love of Christ-- the grace and love I as a Believer have been called to show and not just to those who fit my self-righteous standard of what a “good person” to be. Jesus calls me to love. Period.

He calls me to show His love-- a love supreme.

Does our justice system need work? Absolutely, and I'm not going to even pretend like I have all of the answers. But I do know this: the work our justice system needs will not be accomplished by those with hate in their hearts.

Image Captured by Amber Sebrell

Ben Sebrell invented awkward silences. While being madly in love with his wife, and teaching his son everything he knows about Jesus Christ, art, and Batman, Ben likes to find unique ways to express his thoughts and feelings. A musician and graphic designer, Ben's Instagram feed is packed with inspiration from all over the place, with all things musical and artistic. In his words, "I get on social media to people watch. I write things down. I make doodles. I try to set life to music at times. Every once in a while, I come up with something that people think is cool enough to share. I get to serve God by serving my community in my local church. My life is far from perfect, but it's never been better than it is right now."