The Listening, Inc.

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You Are Not Alone.

 “Suicide before you see this tear fall down my eyes

The above statement is quoted from a popular song currently in heavy rotation on the radio (and other common music streaming outlets).  What are these words really saying?

The artist is explaining a situation/relationship that has left her with deep emotional pain - yet, she considers it a sign of strength and self-protection to end her own life before she allows her husband to see her in a vulnerable state over his actions misactions towards her.

Where the artist considers suicide to be the securing response against the natural emotional response to pain, such as crying; those with experiences of suicidal ideations or attempts is a reflection of an abnormal or faulty belief beyond a single event, that there is no way out of deep emotional pain, hopelessness, and/or a battle(s) with mental health.

As a counselor, having the ability to encourage others in the most vulnerable times is as much as a blessing to me,as it is a gift to those served.

Personally, I know all too well the pain that one feels from losing loved ones to suicide; as well as the prison of the mind that suicidal ideation can cause.

At the age of 12, I battled with my own thoughts of suicide --- and am thankful that rather than allowing my vulnerabilities to drown me in my thoughts and self-inflicting deceptions, I reached out to a friend who listened; who encouraged me; who loved me through the pain.

It is estimated that there are almost 43,000 deaths by suicide a year, and on average 117 suicides per day (AFSP, 2016).  This outstanding statistic is a reflection that you either know someone who has committed/attempted suicide, and/or you have battled with suicidal thoughts or attempts yourself.

Not everyone will share in their cry for help – as a loved one, learn the warning signs associated with suicide, which include but are not limited to the following:

  • Talks of wanting to die
  • Seeking ways to kill oneself
  • Talks of hopelessness or having no purpose
  • Talks of being a burden to others
  • Withdrawing or isolation
  • Increasing use of substance (alcohol or drugs)

Suicide is an epidemic that can be stopped – if you are experiencing thoughts of suicide/ideations/attempts please read this statement aloud

“I have purpose; I am not alone; this IS NOT how my story will end!”

You are not alone!! If you are having suicidal ideations and no one to talk to, there is someone waiting for you right now to encourage you and provide the help you need by calling the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255 (a free 24/7 service). 

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” - Joshua 1:9 New International Version (NIV)

Wife, Mother of 3, Worshiper, Entrepreneur, Teacher, Counselor, Sister, Friend, Daughter, Lover, Fighter, Visionary, Prayer Warrior, Author, WOMAN: Jessica Jemmott is an alumna of Liberty University. Having received both a BS in Psychology/Sociology and a MA in Professional Counseling, her desire is to promote psychological, physical, and spiritual health and awareness amongst adolescents, women, and men. Visit her ministry, "Simply Redeemed"!