The Listening, Inc.

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10 Things To Do On A Snow Day

1. Watch a documentary about the arts on Netflix.

If you haven't been paying attention, Netflix has kinda been killing the game lately. With new original series and the resurgence of old favorites, this weather is absolutely binge-worthy. Here are a few of our favorites:

2. Find a cozy corner of your home & practice writing haiku.

3. Read that book you've been meaning to finish.

4. Video chat with friends and have a cypher.

5. Freewrite while listening to music.

One of the best ways to get your creative juices flowing is to be inspired by the work of others. Try Robert Glasper, DJ Premier, or Pete Rock to start!

6. Watch a dance video on YouTube & try to learn the choreography.

Take this time to work on your Dougie and NaeNae. Or...try this!

7. Create DIY snow paint.

8. Play with PlayDoh. If you have it.

9. Go to the SoundCloud website (or download the app), and research 5 new artists for follow.

10. Learn one song, in its entirety, from the Hamilton musical.

Do it for your country.