The Listening, Inc.

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FS Roll Call '22: Aly Bonilla

Which decade do you actually belong in, and do you agree? (According to this Buzzfeed quiz)

1960's! I completely agree with the answer. I have always believed that in a past life I was a flower child and attended Woodstock.

What part of the country are you originally from?

Norwalk, CT

What is your least favorite snack food and why?

Takis, they hurt my tummy :(

Marty McFly and Doc Brown have just pulled up in their DeLorean. They tell you that the future is a mess, but in order to make things right, you have to go back in time and prevent ONE SONG from being made. What song would it be and why?

Blurred Lines by Robin Thicke. Because I respect women.

What were you like in middle/high school?

I was pretty involved in clubs and my academics but still really reserved. I kept the same core friend group but always floated around socially.

Bell Bottoms or Baggy Jeans?

Bell Bottoms

Our National Day of Social Action theme for 2022 is Climate Justice. What do you think justice for our environment looks like?

I believe justice for the environment means we acknowledge the exasperated effects of climate change on marginalized communities and the investment of funds and resources into sustainable products and practices.

Complete this phrase: "The future is..."

“up to us to defend”

Since beginning in 2019, our Freedom School journey has discussed issues like gun violence, voting rights, youth justice/incarceration and more. What is one social justice/action issue that you are passionate about? Why?

I am passionate about the rights of immigrants. As the daughter of one, I cannot disregard the inequality with which my mother and people like her are treated. Politically and socially, America needs to observe a shift in culture.

What makes you excited about returning or joining the team this year?

I am excited to see my scholars again!!! I am also so pumped for Harambee :)