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FS Roll Call '22: Stephen Morton

Which decade do you actually belong in, and do you agree? (According to this Buzzfeed quiz)

The 1920's - If I was living in Harlem, New York; absolutely! I love art and fashion, and I embrace my culture to the fullest, which happen to be three huge factors that tie into the Renaissance movement that was taking place in that area during the 1920's and 30's.

What part of the country are you originally from?

Lynchburg, Virginia

What is your least favorite snack food and why?

Plain potato chips. If boring had a flavor, it would be those.

Marty McFly and Doc Brown have just pulled up in their DeLorean. They tell you that the future is a mess, but in order to make things right, you have to go back in time and prevent ONE SONG from being made. What song would it be and why?

Hmm… Wikipedia says that "Tony Montana" by Migos has been cited by many as the first mumble rap song. Yes, it is a bop. But it still has to go because hip-hop hasn't been the same since mumble rap took over.

What were you like in middle/high school?

Quiet and easygoing

Bell Bottoms or Baggy Jeans?

Baggy Jeans

Our National Day of Social Action theme for 2022 is Climate Justice. What do you think justice for our environment looks like?

An environment where all spaces and locations are equally occupied by and accessible to people of every ethnic group.

Complete this phrase: "The future is..."

“The Youth”

Since beginning in 2019, our Freedom School journey has discussed issues like gun violence, voting rights, youth justice/incarceration and more. What is one social justice/action issue that you are passionate about? Why?

Discrimination. As a person who can recall experiencing blatant discrimination on many occasions dating back to the age of 4, I have seen on a first-hand basis the impact that it has on one's self-perception and worldview. While I can only truly speak on racial discrimination; discrimination on gender, sexuality, religion, and age (to name a few) is very real and is damaging to both individuals and communities. It is one of the cornerstones of the unjust conditions that we live in now, and we must continue to openly address it if we wish to continue to see progress in society.

What makes you excited about returning or joining the team this year?

Being able to positively impact the lives of those who will soon be at the forefront of upholding our communities (the scholars), as well as helping to carry on the vision and tradition of the great Ella Baker.