The Listening, Inc.

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Guest Post: How I Got Over

This phrase can be a statement.

This phrase can be a question.

With the proper emphasis, it can be both.

There is so much going on right now with the pandemic, politics both domestically and abroad, social injustice, voting rights, a women's right to choose, and every one of these things affect us all. This acknowledgment of the heavy things doesn't even address the stuff going on in our personal lives. We all have busy lives that pull and strain us, and that makes us wonder if we will break.

With the stress of it all, it is bound to affect our mental health. When overwhelmed, many of us eventually ask the questions, "HOW DO I GET OVER THIS?!

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On Friday, October 8th, The Listening will be hosting our next open mic at Mission House Coffee. We want to invite you to join us as our theme will be "HOW I GOT OVER." We want to hear from you how you got over something difficult in your life. We invite you to use the arts in expressing how you made it through tough times.

How I Got Over, the theme for our open mic, is inspired by The Roots' ninth studio album by the same name. In this album, The Roots explore this notion of overcoming as they were hopeful for change and better days after President Barack Obama's first inauguration, back in 2008. With this optimism came the sobering reality of life as things didn't seem to change much in politics.

Some things have changed drastically since 2008.

Some things have not.

The Roots left us with a beautiful and soulful exploration of life in this album. At The Listening, we want to invite you to share your story through the arts and tell us how you got over. We look forward to seeing you on Friday, October 8th at 7:00 pm. And at this open mic event, we will give you our familiar greeting and invitation: