Dear America: From A Woman Finding Her Voice

This post has been submitted anonymously. For all you know, this writer might be standing right next to you.

Dear America,

I will not actively participate in Black Trauma Porn another day of my life.

I will no longer participate in the viewership, ratings and numbers that Black death brings.

I won’t waste my opportunity to read you for filth, cuz you like it when I talk dirty to you.   

My grief, rage, and bitterness will no longer be the fuel that you get off on.

You will not cum to my pain, you will not experience the euphoria of release that you sadistic orgasm brings.

My intelligence, foresight, and experience will not be wasted on 140 character quickies to satisfy your itch for just one more taste of my tears.

My mind will not be a haven for sewage filled with your twisted lies and beliefs.

You will not hold my salvation hostage.

My essence will not be your inspiration to appropriate, taking my beauty but denying the power thereof.

We have been in a toxic relationship, and your sorry doesn’t mean a thing anymore.

Basically, IDFWU America.


Slavery by a different name is still Slavery.

America, you were never going to let us go. 

America, you were never gonna treat us right.

America, your laws are just not for us.

Just because we cannot see our chains, doesn’t mean we are not in bondage.

The hands of oppression, greed, and fear have infiltrated every aspect of existence in the land of the Free.


I realize the answer to our freedom is not solely in the Constitution, laws, or systems.

Freedom lies in the heart of people tired of being sick and tired.

We can get out of the wilderness, and move to our promised land.

Heaven doesn’t have to be the only way to live in harmony with one another.


I want those you have rejected, America.

Those created in the image of the Creator.

Humanity represented in all different creeds, colors, tribes, cultures, and people.

Ya’ll, I have seen the vision and I am making a plan.

I invite you, the rejected ones…

The tired, poor, forgotten, heartbroken, and angry…have a seat at my table. 

Rest, healing, paradise, a place in this world, the weight lifted and freedom gained is not a fairytale.

Let us fight our common enemy, not each other.

Divisiveness has gotten us nowhere.

We Unite, America loses her control.

I need you, if we are ever going to know the sweet taste of life abundantly.


Warriors, where are you? Farmers, builders, healers, advocates, preachers, teachers, the light in the darkness…WHERE ARE YOU?


Listen. Just listen.

We don’t wait for the government for the answers, to fix the problems that plague us.

We do it ourselves.

We don’t wait for media to acknowledge us.

We create our own shows, films and spread our message.

We don’t wait to have conversations about mental health.

We talk about it, write books, and stop spreading myths and stereotypes.

We don’t wait for them to teach us our history.

We write our own textbooks, tell our stories.

We don’t wait for gentrification to take our neighborhoods.

We buy our homes, fix them, clean our own streets.

We don’t plead for their acceptance through assimilation.

We be different, innovative and free to express self.

We don’t wait to be shot dead like dogs. I lie, dogs are treated better and valued more than us.

We buy our own guns, watch our own neighborhoods, we fight and not give in.

We don’t wait for our young boys and girls to be victims with no voice.

We will protect them from the monsters that lurk in the dark.


I could say more, there is so much more but this is just the beginning.

We can fix us, we can.

It starts with us making the decision that our minds will be renewed, our hearts open, our spirits not confined, and our ideas not in cages.


It all seems like a pipe dream, I know.

Can we do it, will it work, can we come together?

Before you give me your skepticism, I ask you what choices do you have?

I ask, is America so good to you that you would bear it another day, just the way that it is?

Are you falling into the norm that it has been this way and will always be this way?

Are you scared?

Are you suffering from Trauma?

 Have you reached your limit?

Good… Then you are ready.


America, we ain't got nuthin else to talk about.

But the rejected ones… will you accept my invitation?