Welcome to our Donor Highlight Series! As we get closer to fundraising season, we want to highlight stories of impact. This year has been intense for many, and we are no exception - but we've also been able to lean on our mission. We would like to hear from the community of donors that keep us going - and help us keep the figurative lights on!


Donor Spotlight!

Salina S.

Listen to Meteora on Spotify. Linkin Park · Album · 2003 · 13 songs.

What is your favorite music album/book of all time? Why?

My favorite album is Meteora by Linkin Park. When it came out, every song was relatable. Listening was cathartic and helped me push through a dark time. Music has always been something that’s been there for me, and this album more than most. Now that Chester (the lead) is gone, it means even more to me. I love to read so I have to add a book here too. Chasing the Scream by Johann Hari is among my favorites. It completely changed the way I view addiction and open my eyes to the corrupt system that stokes and exploits it.

How have the arts made an impact in your life?

As I look at the paintings tattooed on my arms, to the musicians I have connected with, to the poets and visionaries whose words have moved me, to the release I receive from my own music/art/words...... there's so much I could address here. We're talking multiples podcasts worth of content. In brief, in dark times the arts helped keep me going and now they inspire me to live more fully.

Which one of The Listening’s events or programs are you the most passionate about? Why?

I fully believe all of The Listening's programs are impactful and incredibly significant, but the one I'm most excited about is the Battle Symphony Peer Support Group. I know what an impact this group can have and foresee it to be life changing for many.

If you could describe yourself/your organization as a musical instrument, what would it be?


What social issue are you personally most passionate about?

In broad terms mental health services, equality, inclusivity, and protecting our children. I support organizations that work toward ending child trafficking, providing free or discounted mental health services, finding homes for refugees, equal rights for the LGBT community, and equality for POCs. There's so much injustice in the world that it's difficult to champion just one cause.

If you had a room full of people willing to listen to you, what would you say?

Life is full of seasons. If your current season is rife with loss, trauma, and grief, hold on. The duration may seem longer than you can bear, but it will pass. Keep heart and keep going. We are an accumulation of how we react to the events of our life, not the other way around. Even when things are at the lowest points, how you react will set your course for something better, or worse. We often have far more power and choice than we acknowledge.

If you're in a season that's full of accomplishments, joy, and laughter, revel in it. Too often we take for granted the good moments. We neglect the idea that prosperous seasons are temporary too. Remember the individuals that got you through your lows and stood steadfast in your highs. These constant individuals are your anchors; they are hard to find, hold onto them. If you're in a season in which life is smooth, don't forget those battered souls that are still going through their storms. They need to be reminded that there is another side. If you have that hope, share it with them. Remember the only difference between you and someone that is wanting can often be reduced to circumstance.

Circumstance is comprised of the origin of our birth, the color of our skin, the biology of our genetics, and the details of our childhood. If circumstances were switched you could easily be sitting in the exact space of who you quickly judged. Spare judgment, generously delve out hope and help. Do that and I promise, no matter your wealth or fame, you'll leave a far reaching legacy.

Join Salina and Support The Listening today!