Welcome to our Donor Highlight Series! As we get closer to fundraising season, we want to highlight stories of impact. This year has been intense for many, and we are no exception - but we've also been able to lean on our mission. We would like to hear from the community of donors that keep us going - and help us keep the figurative lights on!


Donor Spotlight!

Tremayne E.

Listen to I Look To You on Spotify. Whitney Houston · Album · 2009 · 11 songs.

What is your favorite music album/book of all time? Why?

My favorite album of all time was Whitney Houston’s last album ‘I Look to you’. That album was all about redemption, freedom, and beauty of expressing it creatively. I am a die hard Whitney stan and that album soothed my soul because I knew what her soul went through to get there and record again.

How have the arts made an impact in your life?

The arts have impacted me because they allowed me to find a sense of self. They gave me a place to belong with like minded Individuals who praised me for being “different ” and allowing me expression that may not have always been supported at times in my life.

Which one of The Listening’s events or programs are you the most passionate about? Why?

I have enjoyed the Instagram Lives very much. It is great to see something be “online” but at the same time feel so intimate at the same time. The constant work of giving people spaces to voice what they feel is more important than ever.

If you could describe yourself/your organization as a musical instrument, what would it be?

A piano.

What social issue are you personally most passionate about?

Helping those in underserved communities affected by poverty.

If you had a room full of people willing to listen to you, what would you say?

I would talk about the need to flip our institutions in this country upside and start completely over with every single demographic known to human at the table.